Take control of your manuscript

Personalised Story Consultations

Overcome writer’s block, identify plot holes before they’re a problem, take control of series overwhelm and silence self-doubt with a personalised story consultation. Part coach, part developmental edit, all you need to get to finished draft.

  • Behind the scenes: navigating burnout as a creative (1/?)

    Behind the scenes: navigating burnout as a crea...

    For a while now, I'd struggled to complete drafts, often starting and restarting projects. One of my classmates asked me why. What had happened to upset my creative process?  I...

    Behind the scenes: navigating burnout as a crea...

    For a while now, I'd struggled to complete drafts, often starting and restarting projects. One of my classmates asked me why. What had happened to upset my creative process?  I...

  • Review: Wired for Story by Lisa Cron.

    Review: Wired for Story by Lisa Cron.

    Wired for Story provides something that all the other books that share these ideas do not: context. Cron explains the link between various brain functions (is that the correct term?...

    Review: Wired for Story by Lisa Cron.

    Wired for Story provides something that all the other books that share these ideas do not: context. Cron explains the link between various brain functions (is that the correct term?...

  • Plot versus Character: is this binary holding writers back?

    Plot versus Character: is this binary holding w...

    Plot and character are not mutually exclusive, or one better than the other. Both are necessary to an emotionally satisfying and resonant story--and whether you’re a pantser, plotter or hybrid,...

    Plot versus Character: is this binary holding w...

    Plot and character are not mutually exclusive, or one better than the other. Both are necessary to an emotionally satisfying and resonant story--and whether you’re a pantser, plotter or hybrid,...

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Writer Merch